In Campaign, Some Promises Clearer Than Others

AKEO Province – In Takeo province, three political parties are vying for votes in the July 28 election. In interviews with VOA Khmer, villagers in Rovieng district say they are listening to the campaign promises, but many remain skeptical that they will be fulfilled once their votes are cast. The ruling Cambodian People’s Party is campaigning on pledges to build more roads, schools, health centers and pagodas, if it wins in Sunday’s election. The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party says it will increase wages for civil servants and garment workers, as well as putting in place a pension system for retiring employees. Representatives of the royalist Funcinpec relied more on past achievements than it did on making future promises. Ou Soknea, a 26-year-old, who sat weaving silk under her wooden, stilted home in Sla village, said she liked the message of the CPP. “They help build cement roads, dig canals and sometimes provide free medical services to us,” she said. But she would also like to see the next administration build a school in her village, because her children walk too far to attend classes. …